Product Endorsements

“I can’t thank you enough for the wealth of info on the website!  Everything I have seen so far has been valuable, professional, and timely.  Thank you – we’ve been in need of something like this for a long time.  Keep up the fabulous work!”

Karen Peterson, Clubhouse Manager, Inglewood Golf Club

"I continue to be so very impressed with the rock-solid depth and breadth of expertise Ed brings to the hospitality industry. Frankly, there is not a stone his collection of resources has not turned over in making available very reliable input available to both those in their early career development and for seasoned professionals. I personally am amazed at the vastness of meaningful insights Ed continually provides. I've learned much from Ed – and suggest all hospitality related industry professionals can do the same."

Michael Crandal, CNG. AUTHOR: Life's 10-Point Must System

“We would like to get 5 more books and workbooks [Leadership on the Line and The Workbook].  Everyone is enjoying the book and now wants the managers under them to get started reading them too.”

Renee Frost, HR Manager, Sea Oaks Beach and Tennis Club

“I cannot tell you how valuable I have found the [accounting] policies and procedures manual.  I was wondering if the Personnel policies manual is also available?  We would be very interested in that one, too.”

Deborah Brumitt, CPA, Controller, Hermitage Country Club

“I just want to express my sincere thanks for these wonderful ideas you are sharing with us. As a general manager I feel ideas like this make all the difference in our services. Reading this was refreshing and an eye opener to look back and try to become more involved with staff and management.

Magid D. Assaleh, General Manager, Willow Creek Golf &Country Club

Leadership on the Go – This material is spectacular!”

Rob Duckett, General Manager, Mountaintop Golf and Lake Club

"Thanks again for sharing the Values on the Go materials.  I’m impressed (again!) with your work and we will certainly soon be using the Values of the Go document in conjunction with our continued leadership training."

Paul K. Skelton, Certified Club Manager

“I just got your book in the mail today. Your book has some powerful and profound examples of leadership which I would like to share with my friends and colleagues on LinkedIn. Kindly give me the green light so I can share your knowledge and wisdom in time.”             

Daniel K. Ovichegan, MBA, Director of Operations, The Crescent Club at Rosewood Crescent Hotel

“I am quite familiar with your site and materials. They provide significant food for thought. Your Service-Based Leadership model is front and center every day.  Thanks for keeping the ideas flowing.”

Peter Eaton, General Manager, Olympic Hills Golf Club

“I have to state – your Club Resources [Private Club Performance Management] is the best 'read' in the industry.”

Robert D. Pahnke, Certified Club Manager